Thursday, December 26, 2013

Episode #5 Merry Christmas!

Putting it all together!


This week we finish our cenarion trip with a stop in moonglade, the home of the cenarion circle faction. This collection of druids banded together to help azeroth, and have spread all over the planet. There are many ways to gain reputation with the cenarion circle, and if you are a high level character its easier than ever. 


Getting Started

Well, to let you know, as of patch 2.2.0 reputation gain for this faction was increased significantly. This means it will be much easier to gain rep when you set off for exalted status. There are not too many ways to gain reputation with the cenarion circle outside of killing enemies, quests, repeatable quests, and running Ahn'Qiraj raids. If you are a high level player you can actually set off killing twilight hammer cultists in silithus and turn in the encrypted twilight texts for reputation, and be exalted in a matter of just a few hours.

The wastes of Silithus

Other ways to gain exalted status is to run the raids of Ahn'Qiraj. These take some time, but if you don't mind grinding rep in there you can get some really nice transmog gear as well as you also gain reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu at the same time.

AQ Raid Entrance

What am I working for?

Becoming exalted with the Cenarion Circle and the Cenarion Expedition we highlighted last week will earn you the achievement for becoming exalted, and the title "Guardian of Cenarius" There is also some really neat items available for transmog if you choose to run the Ahn'Qiraj raids. 


Final thoughts

This is the end of our two part Cenarion overview. Hopefully you are enjoying your new title, and flying around in style on your shiny new hippogryph. I hope that you are enjoying your holiday season. Whether they are in our out of azeroth spend it with friends and family and good food. Until next week, this is Frostee, and may the light be with you!

Click here to listen to this week's audio short!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Episode #4 Let's go on an expedition!

To Zangarmarsh!


This week we take a look at one of the factions that gives a reward that will have you zooming around in style. I am talking about the one and only Cenarion Expedition. Spawned from the Cenarion Circle, this group spread across outland and even into northrend. This faction has a large amount of quests, and lots of ways to gain reputation.

You will get to know this place well

Getting started

Once you begin questing in outland you will encounter this faction as early as hellfire peninsula. They are in other areas of outland as well, but the majority of quests for reputation gain will center around zangarmarsh. From here you will be able to complete many quests for reputation. You can also begin to complete repeatable quests of turning in ten [Unidentified Plant Parts] until honored, and also each [Uncatalogued Species] you find. In borean tundra you can also turn in 15 [Nesingwary Lackey Ear] at the D.E.H.T.A camp. The last turn in is good all the way until exalted.

Cenarion Refuge

Besides questing and turn-ins you can run the various instances of zangarmarsh. The normal slave pens and underbog will provide reputation up to honored, and normal steamvault all the way to exalted. The heroic versions of all of the instances will provide reputation all the way as well.

As a high level character you can run the heroics and easily continue to repeat normal versions of the dungeons until exalted. Until patch 4.3 you used to be able to buy or farm [Coilfang Armaments] and turn them in for extra reputation, but that is no longer.

What am I working for?

Quartermaster preview

First and foremost the best reward for reaching exalted status is being able to buy the [Cenarion War Hippogryph]  This mount is one of my personal favorites. Besides the mount you also complete half of the achievement [Guardian of Cenarius] which when obtained gives the title of "Guardian of Cenarius" for your character.

Riding in style

Wrapping it up

If you are a high level character this reputation grind is somewhat repetitive after a while, but very rewarding with a great mount and progress towards a slick title. Next week we will be taking a look at the Cenarion Circle faction so we can help you get your title and achievement! Until then, take care, and may the light be with you!


Click here to listen to this week's audio short!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Episode #3: Out in the sands.

Heading out into the barren wastes.


I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday week. Now I know that many of you here in the USA have spent the last few days likely freezing and some of you snowed in like me. Because of this I wanted to highlight a reputation that might invoke some warm feelings. This week we take a look at the Ramkahen faction. This cataclysm faction is located in the zone of Uldum. Gaining reputation with this faction will require some patience, but there are some pretty fun and unique quests along the way as well.

Faction Capitol

Getting Started

Once you make it to Uldum, you get to go through a fun quest line as an introduction to the zone. Once you arrive in the city there a many quests to be done. In cataclysm I think that these were some of the funnest quests in the game. There are quests where you get to play an almost RTS minigame, as well as running around with everyone's favorite adventurer Harrison Jones.

Questing will only take you so far though. (Usually somewhere into honored depending on guild perks, racial bonuses etc..) After you have run out of quests to run you have the option to run two daily quests. ("Thieving Little Pluckers" and "Fire From the Sky") Only using these two quests could take a while, but you have more options.

Go ahead and purchase the Ramkahen tabard so that you can champion for reputation while running level 85 dungeons, or any of the cataclysm heroics. This will speed up your rep gain, especially if you are going back as a level 90 to gain exalted status.

A very scenic zone

What can I expect as a reward?

Once you reach exalted status with Ramkahen you will earn the faction achievement. The most sought after awards now are the unique mounts. (The [Reins of the Brown Riding Camel] and [Reins of the Tan Riding Camel] )

Want one of these as a mount?

Wrapping it up

Grinding the reputation for this faction is fairly straightforward, but it also offers unique mounts that are highly sought after, especially if you are a mount collector. Don't ignore the quests though, because there are some different and fun ones here.

That is it for this week, we will be back next week with another faction. If you have a faction you would like us to highlight, please let us know! Thanks for reading and listening! Have a great week, and may the light be with you!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to say that I hope you had a great holiday. Due to getting our new podcast (The Worgen's Howl) off the ground and the holiday, we will be returning next week with another tip! Thanks for all your support! 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Episode #2 Things get serious in nagrand!

Back for our second week!


In the beautiful zone of nagrand we find two factions the Kurenai of Telaar and the Mag'har located in Garadar. Each of these factions have seperate and interesting stories, but since these two factions are so similar in rewards and reputation gain I will cover both of them this week.

The kurenai are a group of the broken who are found here in nagrand and also in a small base of operations in zangarmarsh, orebor harborage. This faction is attempting to overcome forge a new life in face of constant treats from many enemies.

The mag'har on the other hand, are a group of uncorrupted orcs who's members have played a role in many key points of history. Their notable members include the likes of Garrosh Hellscream, Jorin Deadeye, and Dranosh Saurfang.


Getting started

If you a member of the alliance you can begin to earn reputation with the kurenai by completing quests given out by its members in orebor harborage, zangarmarsh. Each quest there will net you about 500 reputation. Once you are ready or if you have completed all the quests there, you can head to Telaar. There are a multitude of quests there almost all of them giving you about 500 reputation with the end of line quests giving 700 each.

Once you have finished these quests you will have to turn to grinding to reach exalted. One of the quests you will get in Telaar is called "Fierce Enemies" in which you are asked to bring back 10 obsidian warbeads. Once you complete this, you will be able to repeat this quest with the name "More Warbeads" for 500 reputation each time. The warbeads drop from the various ogres around the zone. With a high level character  and AOE looting you are able to farm these mobs quite quickly and efficiently. As of the latest data from various sites the average drop rate of the beads is about 45%. Killing these ogres also gives 10 reputation each.

Ahh, warbeads.

With the high levels of characters now, and high speed flying these mobs can be easily farmed in a pattern of your choosing all around the zone. I typically start at one location and circle the ogre encampments around the zone.

You can also kill the the murkblood mobs in the zone as well as the kil'sorrow enemies, but because they do not offer the advantage of a drop to turn in for rep I usually bypass them.

Ogres all over this place

For the horde, your adventure begins in Thrallmar, hellfire peninsula instead. Once you complete the quests in that zone you will find the remaining quests at Garadar. As with the Kurenai you will have quite a few quests that you can complete to raise your standing. Once you run out of quests, you are in the same boat as everyone else and have to grind your reputation by killing ogres, kil'sorrow, and murkblood mobs. The horde also have the ability to run a repeatable quest to turn in warbeads after completing the quest "Proving your Strength"

Expect to kill a lot of these...

What am I working towards?

Both the Kurenai and the Mag'har reward one of the more popular land mounts in the game, talbuks. Once exalted with your respective faction you will gain access to eight variations of this awesome mount. There are also low item level blue items you could buy, and also the tabard of your respective faction as well.

After reaching exalted status you will earn the either the achievement of [Oh, my Kurenai] A or [The Mag'har of Draenor] H

Wrapping it up

Whether you are horde or alliance these reputations offer a great set of mounts to collect with a moderate amount of work made even easier now that character levels are so high as to make killing large numbers of enemies simple. This reputation can be ground in a matter of days or less depending on how much time you are willing to put in.

Me on the White War Talbuk

Thanks for listening and reading, I will be back next week with another reputation!

Until then, may the light be with you!


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Episode#1: Guild Reputation

Let's get this started!


Seeing as this is the first week, I decided that there is no better place to start than your own home, your guild. Being part of a guild can be a rewarding experience both within the world of warcraft, and outside it as well! I have personally made friends all around the country and internationally thanks to being part of a guild, but within the game you can also find great rewards by raising your reputation with your guild. This can give you a chance to gain neat items, and have fun with your friends. Lets get started!

How to start?

The first part of gaining guild reputation is to be a part of a guild. If you are not already in a guild you are well on your way, if not, you likely are used to getting random guild invite spam. (At least, that's what happens to me when i'm on a character without a guild) I could go on for a long time about how to choose a guild, but seeing as this discussion is about gaining guild reputation I will leave that to you and what you are looking for in a guild. My only word of advice is join a guild you can have fun playing in.

Now that you are part of a guild, lets see where you stand. Take a look at your guild rep because you may already have reputation depending on if you have been in a guild already. When you switch guilds your reputation changes by dropping to the next lowest level. For example, if you were exalted your reputation will reset to revered, thus you will have to gain back that reputation for access to its benefits.

Rep bar on your guild UI screen.

How do I get my rep up?

Now for the fun part! Gaining reputation with your guild takes a little time, as expected, but depending on what you are doing it can be fun and easy. 

Here are the main ways you gain reputation with your guild:
  • Killing Instance and Raid bosses with a guild group.
  • Winning Arena or Rated Battleground matches with a guild group
  • Completing Green or higher quests
Note: A guild group in PvE content consists of a majority of players being from your guild. For example, four members in a five man instance. There is also a daily cap of 3,500 reputation.

The best way I have seen to gain guild reputation is to run quests. Leveling characters while seems to me to be the easiest since you are continually gaining experience and guild reputation at the same time. In some guilds it may be difficult to arrange instance or raid runs all the time slowing down your reputation gain if you rely solely on that to gain rep. By buying the [Illustrious Guild Tabard] at friendly you can boost
your reputation gain with your guild by 50%, and at honored the [Renowned Guild Tabard]
boosts gains by 100% so keep these boosts in mind. Of course being human helps thanks to
the diplomacy trait, and you can gain extra boosts from your guild having the "Mr. Popularity"
perk, as well as using the various battle standardsthat can be purchased through guild
reputation gains.

Screenshot of some of the guild rep reward screen.

What do I get for all this work?

There are many different rewards for gaining reputation with your guild. The only catch is that many of the greatest rewards also rely on other guild members because they are linked to various guild achievements. Below is a list of some of the rewards that can be earned and what is required.

  • Faction Mount, either A [Reins of the Golden King] or the H [Reins of the Kor'kron Annihilator] Requires Guild level 25.
  • Pet[Dark Phoenix Hatchling]  Requires Guild Achievement "United Nations"
  • Mount, [Reins of the Thundering Jade Cloud Serpent] Requires Guild Achievement "Glory of the Pandaria Raider"
  • Pet, [Armadillo Pup] Requires Guild Achievement "Profit Sharing"
  • Various heirloom items at guild level 10 and 20.

You can see and purchase the various guild reputation items by visiting your guild vendors in most capitol cities including Shattrath and Dalaran, as well as from the guild page or herald companions if you have access to them.

Alliance guild rep mount.

Also as you gain reputation you will be able to gain the [Time Flies When You're Having Fun] achievement. You will also earn titles that go along with your guild nameplate.
  • Friendly   <Recruit of (Guild Name)>
  • Honored  <Guardian of (Guild Name)>
  • Revered   <Veteran of (Guild Name)>
  • Exalted    <Champion of (Guild Name)>
The best thing about gaining guild reputation and perks is that you and your friends can all come together and have fun building your guild at the same time you all gain your own reputation. As I said before, being part of a guild is one of the most rewarding things about playing world of warcraft. I have have great friends who I would have never met had it not been for guilds.

Having fun killing old bosses with friends.

That about wraps up this week's look into boosting your reputation. As always, have fun out there in the world of warcraft, and may the light be with you!


Sunday, November 17, 2013

New beginnings!

Welcome to the home of Reputation Boost! 

This is your home for learning about the various factions in the World of Warcraft. Each week we will highlight a different faction in the game and help you reach that all important exalted status. There are many great rewards out there to be earned, and we want to help you! More to come very soon so please stay tuned!