Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Episode # 28: Argent you ready to finish this meta achievement?

Welcome Back!


This week we complete the [Northrend Vanguard] achievement by exploring the faction of the Argent Crusade. This alliance between the Knights of the Silver Hand and the Argent Crusade is focused on the eventual defeat of Arthas and his forces.

Getting Started

Typically you will start out gaining reputation with this faction is when you are leveling. You will encounter quests from this faction in Dragonblight, at Dawn's Reach, as well as at various locations in Zul'Drak and Icecrown, including the Argent Tournament.

Once friendly, you can purchase the [Tabard of the Argent Crusade] and champion for this faction in Wrath dungeons. Outside of those paths, there are not many other ways to reach exalted status.

What am I working towards?

Many rewards, as we have seen in this group of factions, are now trivial, but reaching exalted status will allow you to complete the [Northrend Vanguard] meta achievement if you have been following the last few weeks blog posts. You will also receive the achievement for reaching exalted status as well as complete at least part of the meta achievements, [The Argent Champion] and [Exalted Champion of the Alliance] / [Exalted Champion of the Horde].


There we go, another meta achievement down!

See you back here next week with another tip! If you have a faction you would like me to spotlight, leave me a comment. Take care, and may the light be with you!


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Episode # 27: Kirin Touring!


This week take one more step closer to completing the [Northrend Vanguard] achievement by exploring the faction of the Kirin Tor. They are composed of some of the most powerful magic wielders of Azeroth. Their base of operations is the floating city of Dalaran, high above Northrend.


Getting Started

The typical ways to start out gaining reputation with this faction is when you are leveling. You will encounter quests from them in Borean Tundra, Dragonblight, and Coldarra. Besides these quests, you will have two paths to becoming exalted.

Mages in Borean Tundra

First, you can start by buying the [Tabard of the Kirin Tor] and championing for this faction in Wrath dungeons. Second, there are a number of daily quests in Dalaran for Cooking, Jewelcrafting, Fishing, and more. These can give you a boost if you don't feel like doing old content. With this faction, Mages are the lucky ones who start as friendly with this faction.

What am I working towards?

Many rewards are now trivial, but reaching exalted status will allow you to complete yet another step of the [Northrend Vanguard] meta achievement. You will also receive the achievement for reaching exalted status as well.

Keeping the shield up

You may also enjoy the gear for some transmog set, or the jewelcrafting recipe, [Design: Runed Scarlet Ruby], or [Pattern: Sapphire Spellthread].


One more faction to go until we finish the Northrend Vanguard series! How close are you?

See you back here next week with another tip! If you have a faction you would like me to spotlight, leave me a comment. Take care, and may the light be with you!


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Episode # 26: Ebon Blade Adventure!

Welcome Back!

Inside the Shadow Vault

This week we take continue on the track of completing the [Northrend Vanguard] achievement by exploring the Knights of the Ebon Blade. This faction of death knights parted ways with the Lich King and now help new death knights, as well as offer rewards for helping them.

Getting Started

The Ebon Blade has their main headquarters in Acherus, and new death knight players, once they complete the starting zone, will have an advantage of starting at friendly. All other players will start on the path to being exalted at neutral.

Ebon Watch

Generally you will encounter, and receive quests from this faction when you encounter them at Ebon Watch, in Zul'Drak, or in Icecrown at the Shadow Vault.

Other than doing the quests that you are given, the only real way to reach exalted status is to grind by doing daily quests that you can get (three at the Shadow Vault, and three at Death's Rise) for 325 base reputation each. Lastly, you will find that buying the [Tabard of the Ebon Blade] and championing for this faction will be only alternative to building up reputation.

What am I working towards?

Many rewards are now trivial, but reaching exalted status will allow you to complete another part of the [Northrend Vanguard] achievement. You will also receive the achievement for reaching exalted.

The Quartermaster

You may also enjoy the gear for some transmog set, or the jewelcrafting recipe, [Design: Glowing Twilight Opal].


This faction will get you even closer to the meta achievement, as well as be another notch in your belt as you become the most revered hero Azeroth as even known!

See you back here next week with another tip! If you have a faction you would like me to spotlight, leave me a comment. Take care, and may the light be with you!


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Episode # 25: Dragon Friends!


This week we head back up to the cold of Northrend to visit the faction of Wyrmrest Accord! I figured we might as well try and escape the crazy heat of the summer by visiting the icy plains of Dragonblight. This faction is made up of an alliance of the dragonflights trying to defend against Malygos. They do offer another mount to add to our collections though! Let's get started!

Wyrmrest Temple
Getting Started

This faction has a number of quests. Some are in Borean Tundra, but most are in Dragonblight. Besides these quest lines, you will be left with three short daily quests that you can do for 325 base reputation each.

Where everybody who's anybody hangs out.

Other than that, the best way to gain reputation is to run Wrath instances while championing their cause via their tabard, and you can also purchase a [Wyrmrest Commendation Badge] for an [Emblem of Triumph]. Pretty much a grindfest until exalted.

What am I working towards?

Most of the rewards are trivial now, but you can obtain the [Reins of the Red Drake] once exalted. You will also gain the achievement for becoming exalted, and complete one of the four parts to the achievement "Northrend Vanguard."



Though it is pretty much a grindfest, this is an easy way to get another reputation added to your total, as well as another mount for that collection. So head out there and get that rep!

See you back here next week with another tip! If you have a faction you would like me to spotlight, leave me a comment. Take care, and may the light be with you!


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Episode # 24: Hanging with the Dead


This week we look at gaining reputation with Emperor Shaohao, who when he was alive, was the last emperor of Pandaria. On the Timeless Isle you have the chance to gain reputation with him for some great rewards!

The man himself!

Getting Started

To get started on this, you need to head to the Timeless Isle. You can gain a small chunk of reputation by completing all of the introductory quests. There are five of them that give 250 reputation each. There is also a sole daily quest, "Path of the Mistwalker" that you can use to help too.

The Isle

Mainly, reputation really comes from killing Yaungol and fire elementals. At level 100, this should be much easier to do, so it really hinges on how much time you are willing to put into it.

What am I working towards?

When you are revered, you can get rewards like the [Celestial Defender's Medallion] , or the [Harmonious Porcupette] pet.


At exalted you can buy the [Reins of the Heavenly Golden Cloud Serpent] for 100,000 coins.


Well, we will be flying again after all. So why not go spend a little time getting a truly epic mount to cruise around on?

Hit up the tourney for some cute pets!

See you back here next week with another tip! If you have a faction you would like me to spotlight, leave me a comment. Take care, and may the light be with you!


Thursday, June 4, 2015

Episode # 23: Mounting up, old style!


Long ago, players were given the chance to obtain two very unique, and special mounts! Today we will be talking about how to get those mounts so that you too can enjoy them! Since there is no flying for the foreseeable future, you might as well stock up on ground mounts anyway, right?

Wild Frostsaber

Getting Started

There is a mount for each faction. The Alliance is able to obtain the Winterspring Frostsaber, and the Horde can acquire the Venomhide Ravasaur. The Alliance players can head to Winterspring, and atop Frostsaber Rock they will meet Rivern Frostwind, who will give you the quest "Get them while they're young." This will have you gathering frostsaber cubs and will serve as your introduction to the faction.


Next, you get a quest called, "They grow up so fast." This quest asks you to return with twenty [Winterspring Cub Whisker]. This item is received by finishing one of the random, daily quests that you are given when you summon your cub. This means that unless you engage in some sort of workaround, it will take you twenty days to polish off this faction.

Alliance Location
Horde Location

As a Horde character, you will need to head to Un'Goro Crater and find Mor'Vek in the southeast area of the zone. You will have a similar line of quests including an introduction titled "The Toxic Tolerance" followed by twenty days of collecting [Venomhide Baby Tooth] 


Faction quest givers

What am I working towards?

For Alliance players: Once you have everything needed for "They grow up so fast," you will be exalted and receive [Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber] and [Cubs First Toy], a cute portrait of your frostsaber cub.If you are a Horde player: after your nearly identical quest line you finally receive your [Whistle of the Venomhide Raptor] 

Another Frostsaber

Times are tough for those of us who enjoy flying mounts, but let's make the best of the situation. No matter what faction you fight for, here is an easy to get, unique mount for you. So go out there and add this one to your collection!

See you back here next week with another tip! If you have a faction you would like me to spotlight, leave me a comment. Take care, and may the light be with you!


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Episode # 22: You are ninja!


The Shado-Pan are the elite force of pandaria watching over the lands, and keeping it safe from the many threats that surround them. They find themselves in a struggle not only in their effort to regain control over the sha threat, but also the saurok and mantid. If you prove yourself worthy, they will allow you to gain some of the best rewards there are.

Shado-Pan camp
Getting Started

You will encounter members of this faction in various places in pandaria, but no matter what happens, you will eventually wind up working with them from their base of operations in Townlong Steppes. The mode of reputation gain is through sets of daily quests that you will receive at random.

Get used to killing these guys...

Their are three main sets of quests that you may get each time you visit. Each will have a set of quests that will have you killing enemies, collecting items, or sometimes freeing cloud serpent babies.

Each quest rewards 250 base reputation, and you will get four at a time. Once you finish them, you will then get a fifth "boss" quest where you kill a named enemy. That quest will reward you with 350 base reputation.

Uruk, one of the daily "bosses"

With that in mind, be sure to have any reputation boosts active that you can, and if you are human, consider yourself lucky. One note is when you reach revered you can buy the [Grand Commendation of the Shado-Pan] to unlock 100% reputation gain boost. Keep on questing each day, and eventually you will reach the top of the hill and become exalted. Once you are, you will gain the achievement

What am I working towards?

The Shado-Pan have a really great set of rewards to offer those who build up their reputation with them. Some of these are just plain fun things, and some are great mounts! At honored you can buy some martial arts toys like [Stack of Bamboo] or [Stack of Wooden Boards]. They are pretty fun to play around with.


There are mainly enchants at revered, so let us jump to the exalted rewards. When you are at the top of the climb you can buy the [Replica Shado-Pan Helmet]. That is a really great looking hat and bandana combo. There are also three fantastic tiger mounts; [Reins of the Blue Shado-Pan Riding Tiger], [Reins of the Green Shado-Pan Riding Tiger], and the [Reins of the Red Shado-Pan Riding Tiger].

Spolier: This is where the "Surprise Attack" happens.

You will also be given the quests "Mogu Incursions" then "Surprise Attack" once exalted. When you complete these quests you will be given the [Reins of the Onyx Cloud Serpent]. Another final note is that while doing the quests each day, you can complete a set of achievements that will reward you with the achievement [The Shado-Master] which also grants the "Shado-Master" title. Go check out the achievement in game and maximize your time and fun by getting everything done!

Some of the followers that you can choose to come with you each day.


The Shado-Pan will take a little time to become exalted with, but above level 90, the content is trivial, and the rewards for finishing up this faction are great! While we are in the downtime between major patches head back to pandaria and finish this off!

One of the quest areas.

See you back here next week with another tip! If you have a faction you would like me to spotlight, leave me a comment. Take care, and may the light be with you!


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Episode # 21: Welcome to the Outcasts!


The Arakkoa Outcasts are just as their name implies. They are a collection of Arakkoa who have been exiled from the Spires. Unlike the others, their bodies are twisted and hunched over. Their deformations a burden of their past that marks them forevermore. Now is your chance to befriend them. Gaining their favor will earn you some neat rewards. Lets go!

Arakkoa Shrine

Getting Started

During your time leveling, or just questing in general, you will encounter various quests that award reputation with this group. If you continue you to complete all of the quests through the Spires of Arak you should find yourself somewhere near revered with them.

Once you have exhausted all of the available quests you are left with only a few more options to finish this off. You can head to either Skettis or Lost Veil Anzu, and once there you can kill the various level 100 enemies. The will grant you experience slowly. Many have reported having to kill somewhere in the range of 5,000 enemies on average.

Where you can find the enemies to kill

Secondly, you may sometimes encounter the garrison mission "The Bloodmane Scrolls" which rewards you with a [Relic of Rukhmar] upon successful completion. Using this item will grant you 2,500 base reputation, so if you can stack reputation boosts, and consider yourself lucky if you are a human character.

What am I working towards?

There are some neat rewards that you can earn on the path to outcast exaltation. Some of the prominent awards are the [Arakkoa Elixir] which grants a chance to deal fire damage and increases movement speed in the Spires of Arak. At honored there is also the [Saberon Protector] which can summon a saberon to fight with you. This will set you back 500 gold.

Rep Vendors

Revered status give you the ability to purchase the [Wings of the Outcasts] for 2,000 gold and allows for slow fall. You can also grab the [Son of Sethe] , a battle pet for 1,000 gold, and 2,000 apexis crystals.

The are here in Stormshield (Alliance) Warspear for the Horde

Finally, once exalted, you can drop 5,000 gold and an equal number of apexis crystals for the [Shadowmane Charger] mount, a sweet, dark blue talbuk.

In addition to the direct reputation gains, completing the quests in the Spires of Arak will eventually help you get the achievement [Between Arak and a Hard Place] which rewards you with the follower [Talonpriest Ishaal] , one of my personal favorites!


So there you go! Another faction down one the path to becoming the most reputable hero in the history of azeroth! Get out there and finish those quests, kill those mobs, and stock up on apexis crystals if you aren't already and finish off this rewarding faction!

I have returned! 

Hope you have enjoyed the return of Reputation Boost! I will be back every week with another faction for you as long as time allows. Once law school returns this fall I will let you know what will happen, but until then, lets get out there and make friends with as many as we can!
